Sunday, May 1, 2011

Photography after dark continued

This is another picture from the exhibit I saw, it reminds me of some sort of Casablanca airfield building. 

Recent Met Exhibition

This piece is from a recent exhibition at the Met entitled "Photography after dark" and this particular picture is of Broadway after dark.  I found a new interest in photography and this exhibit was amazing to see, I have one more piece to share.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Contemporary Art

This piece by Herrara is a great acquisition by the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. It signifies what is contemporary art and underlines the topics discussed Unit 13.


Although Rothko's work was mentioned in the lecture, I chose this piece because of the color palette and I also remember seeing it at the National Art Gallery in Washington.


This photograph is reminiscent of a photo mentioned during the lecture of a woman in the streets of Paris.


Since we read about a picture of O'Keefe in the lecture I though I would post another O'Keefe picture by Stieglitz.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Chuck Close

When I saw we were reading about Chuck Close, I remember taking a snapshot of his other piece which is at the Met.  Both pieces are huge in scale and hang opposite one another among a few Warhol's.

Direct Observation

I chose this picture of a sculpture I took at the Met to represent direct observation because I remember being impressed by the detail of the head dressed that his figured adorned.  The attention to detail was quite fascinating.

This is a picture of an amazing and beautiful courtyard I took in Geneva.  I think it was some embassy as I recall.  I loved the white stone and the arches.


When I read about architecture I immediately thought of The Chrysler Building. I love the art deco style and how understated yet prominent it is in the New York City skyline.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chinese Landscape

This is an example of Chinese artists from around 1050 AD and it gives us an idea of just how the perception changes through the centuries.  By looking at this one can either assume, that those are rather big trees or really small mountains. 


When reading about landscapes I thought of biking trip I took and rode through this wonderfully landscapes vineyard in a valley of the Alps.  Each row was perfectly aligned and drew your eyes to the already intensely present mountain in the background.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another scultpture

Another sculpture from the same sculpture garden I was in Martigny.   This is called Reclining Figure by Henry Moore.  It was quite large in person and got my attention because of the disproprtionate use of body parts and the lack of face.  Although it is not truly representative of the human figure, one can surely assume it is a female depiction.


I took a picture of this statue in Martigny, Switzerland in a sculpture garden I was visiting and I remeber loving it.  I don't remember who it is by, but I remember looking at from farway and being drawn to it.  Its a sad depiction of a woman, but its so calming and relatable at the same time. 


Since I read about Carravagio in Unit 7, I was interested to see his other works and if he uses the power of dispersed light to capture his scences.  As this painting shows entiltled The Denial of St. Peter, it does. There is light here but there isn't at the face time.  The light is used to reflect and draw attention to what he want you to focus on, the people, while mainting the background realitvely dark.


When I read the unit involving photography I was really excited since I love to see amazing photographs.  The picture here is from an exhibition called WEIRD BEAUTY : FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY NOW that was featured at the International Photography Center in NYC at 43rd street.  Although I was not able to take pictures of the works, I found the once I like the most.  I happen to like "weird" and expressive photos.  This is by  Steven Klein and it was amazing to see live.  The colors that were used and the postioning of the objects in the photo grabs your attention to the right places, from the bottom right of the photo leading to the top "exit" light down to the nurse in shades of blue.

Still Life

This painting is one of my faves at the Met. It is by Jacob Vasmaer, oil on wood.  Since still life depicts an image of arranged objects this to me seemed like a perfect example.  Not only the arrangement but I remember liking this because of the fact that the flowers are wilted and about to die (reminds me of still life).  I remember not understanding the concept of still life and only paintings that depicted some sort of inaction or death I found applicable to still life and thats why this painting stood out to me. 

Ephemeral Art

When I started to read about Ephemeral Arts and saw that you had mentioned Christo I immediatly thought of this second NYC poject Waterfalls.  To be fair this a searched image because the day I saw the waterfalls I didn't even have my camers.  Nonetheless, this art project made a big impression on me.  It was calming to hear and see the water escaping from underneath the bridge.  This was a great contrast to the hecticness of the city that surrounds it.  When I looked at this I felt as if I was transposed to another place.  Truly wonderful

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

German Expressionism

After reading the lecture and coming across expressionism, I remembered seeing an exhibition at the Met a few years ago about German Expressionism and Otto Dix came to mind. I saw this picture in person and it made an impression on me because I could feel the despair and sadness of the painting.  I read the bio on the wall about Dix and found that he was traumatized by WWI and the paintings shown mostly dealt with his emotional response to this surroundings.  It was a sad exhibition, but in terms of expressionism it full filed its definition.


In terms of surrealism Dali always comes to mind first and this is one of my favorite paintings he's done.  For some strange reason it feel like I've seen this something similar in my dreams.  That is what I adore about his work, the fact that it they seem like representations of dreams.


When reading about abstract art I remembered one artist in particular. Stuart Davis and this painting "Egg Beater No.1" from the Whitney Museum. I specifically remember this piece because when I saw it in person I stood there and tried to make sense or a connection to the title and it stumped me. Maybe it the fact that everything is messy and being torn or seems to be coming apart, like what an egg beater does to its victims. I guess that's the point of abstract art and this piece certainly is a good example of that.


Whenever I think of an artistic style Modigliani comes to mind. I can always distinguish his work, by elongated faces, the little black eyes and small mouths that most of this paintings and some sculptures encompass.  I learned of him at the Met in NYC, when a painting of his caught my attention, not this one(this is my favorite of his), and I began to look up more of his work and learn about him as an artist.

More Architecture

This is Pont-du-Gard. It is located in southern France but was constructed by the Romans, as it is exemplified by the beautiful Roman arches. The stone work looks raw, unfinished in Pont-du-Gard but yet has a sophistication to its design.  


When reading about ancient architecture I was began to think of a place I've always wanted to visit and found very interesting. Machu-Pichu in Peru exemplifies ancient architecture because it incorporates the landscape into the buidlings without offending the surrounding. This is in contrast to modern day archcitecture where, for the most part, surrounding and landscape are not respected. The use of stone that is the smae color as the stone around it, incorporates the buildings and at the smae time gives it a mystical feeling.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

sculpture 2

I took this picture in the Louvre and I think it exemplifies issue of scale mentioned in Unit 2. The sculpture in set on a pedestal that makes it perception grandiose, like David. 


 I like this sculpture because to me it addresses the negative and positive aspect. One can see the statue from different perspectives and from every angle one can encompass different points of view. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This painting has an amazing use of color. The hue of yellow and blue greatly constrast one another to make thw lemon strike through. Depending of the intensity of the blue color in the picture, it gives you an illusion of  water surrounding the lemon. The blue also a cold tone to the paiting contrasted by the warm hue of yellow.


I found this sculpture very interesting for the topic of shape. The statue has ambiguity, wide shoulders suggest a masculine figure, while the breats veer the onlooker onto the feminine.